As you probably already know, the illustrator for the book is my daughter, Christina Terhune, who is an awesome artist. Over the last few weeks she has started working on the illustrations for the poems in the book. Each poem will have its own full-page full-color illustration to bring to life the unique and obviously silly characteristics of each one.
We thought the best place to start though was the cover. Although the final cover may look a little different after whatever final tweaks and edits she does, this draft version will give you a very good idea of how it will look.
For the cover we wanted to capture the idea that the poems in this book will bring surprise, delight, and laughter to anyone who reads them. We came upon the idea of representing this with aliens reading the book as a great way to tap into the creativity and humor of the book.
We would love to hear your thoughts on the draft cover! And look for more details to come as we continue to work toward publication later this year. Please share this project with others who you think would be interested.
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